Sunday, 23 February 2020

Holy Hell on Netflix: What to learn from Narcissistic Sociopaths

Cults, ever been in one? I hope not, that level of manipulation is crazy but, hear me out, I think this documentary can shed light on many different types of personalities. The Manipulator or the dependent person.

Holy Hell is a documentary that follows a Cult Leader who manipulated his followers and even led men into willing sexual assault, Im not going to spoil it for you, go check it out here if you would like to see it: Holy Hell

This documentary blew my mind, shit shakes, people can be crazy.

Be warned though, this shit is pretty disturbing.

So I was shocked after watching this and then realized, shit, I know people with these personalities, and you might to! Those people that make you feel so good about yourself, that feed your ego, that give you advise, that you feel bad about not consulting when making a big decision. That kind of make you feel connected to them on this string. Hmmm, now I got you thinking didn't I? 

Another good book to read if you feel you are bien manipulated by powerful people in your life is Snakes in Suites. A fantastic read that should illuminate to you, that you cannot beat people at this game, you will lose!
This is an excellent read 

If you are dependent on people for your self esteem you are in grave danger. 

I have watched a couple of these documentaries on this and have compiled a bit of a watch out list for you to determine if the thing you are in is bad: 

1) They Isolate you: 
They turn you against family and other fiends with their extreme advise, that seems to make so much sense to you. They like to isolate you from their other close friends and could even bad mouth people to get you to not like the people around you, besides they are the only ones you can trust. Be careful because they are doing this behind your back as well 

2) They Always have something to gain: 
From something like money, to something as simple as your influence or time. These people are benefiting a lot from having you around. You may need to pay them a fee that they have made up as a non existent membership contract. (Explore the idea of this, it can take many forms) 

3) They make you dependent: 
You cannot make decisions without them. They have information kept away from you to make decisions about all sorts of things. They could even be paying you a salary or hold a secret over you to make you not able to leave

4) They have your secret: 
You have told them something, this something may not even be true, but they have twisted you to a point that you have divulged to much information, if you turn on them, they could destroy you 

5) They decide if you should feel good or bad: 
They feed your esteem and control you. They want you to be good, do well, survive, but they don't want you to thrive fully, they want to hold the chains and keep you back 

So you may not be in a cult but you may be in a relationship like this and it may be effecting your life more than you know. If your religion has isolated you, perhaps your religion is a source of this manipulation. You couldn't possibly leave or walk away because then surely you want have access to the salvation they promise you, you will surely not be protected? You will surely die...This sounds absolutely hind sight perhaps yes. But do you really know what you are doing. 

To the people who are these people. Shame on you, although that falls on absolute deaf ears, because these people have no conscious what so ever. 

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