Reached out to somebody the other day when it came to training to offer some assistance. They are a pretty good athlete and a leader in the fitness industry. I admit, the assistance wasn't asked for at all, was really just putting in some input. The person was so incredibly rude justifying how great and how right they were when it came to their training.
Sat there and was quite upset at first because why intention was to help, then realized:
1) I was wrong for trying to help, it wasn't asked for. Not everybody wants input sometimes people just need their ego stroked
2) Not everyone has a teachable attitude when it comes to things and when we reach out to help we should be aware of that
3) Those that dont want help, usually dont help and assist those around them either, that I found to be very sad
If you are a leader when it comes to anything, business, training, life anything, you are being looked at from people hungry to "be like you" instead of seeing that as an attack on your ego, realize that them getting better, is not taking away from the many things you have in your life. Nobody cares about your spiritual hash tags and holy you are, they care for your ability to "be" something you say you are, not "pretend to be" something you say you are.