Thursday, 12 July 2018

You are what you are thinking

We all have 7 days in the week. 7 days to balance, love, life, work and surviving emotionally on this planet. Sometimes things get tough, yesterday was one of those days that I just needed to step outside of myself to connect with people and listen to stories of peoples lives. Do we really care whats happening in peoples lives? I promise you, that if you would take an interest in somebody else's story, you will be blown away by their inspirational stories. 

If you want to be listened to, listen genuinely to others. 

As a fitness coach I have many people walking through my gym door on a daily basis, as somebody who likes to train and stay fit as well, giving so much of oneself can become quite tiring especially if you lose perspective of what you are trying to do. For example, there are so many books out there to show you how to get rich, by building relationships, connecting with people and more. Steps to gain success by manipulating the world to how you want it to be. 

I believe these things will lead you to a certain level of success until the universe and everything in it calls your bluff and motives and quickly many things come falling down around you. I can't remember the last time somebody took an interest in my training, asking me how things were going for me and what sort of projects I was getting into and perhaps that started to bother me a little. Victims mentality started creeping in. Me, me, me, I, I, I...not on an extreme level but I so badly just craved a bit of affirmation and encouragement I gave my athletes on a daily basis. 

Last night during one of the classes, on the way to take a break during a class, I got a glimpse of the most spectacular sunset through the dark clouds. The sun lit every air particle around me, painted it a shining red and yellow as if somebody in the heavens was directing a torch light over our town. As it got darker, the darkness slowly gobbled up the colors until specs of autumn red and orange sporadically dashed across the horizon. " A purpose" thats all that I was thinking. In the midst of all my thoughts I realized that the scientific methods and biological make up of every leaf, tree, spec of dust all engineered this planet to sustain life. And me? I was on it. We are on it, we get to be here, a fleeting moment in time. How much of that time are we spending thinking badly, feeling sorry for ourselves or being negative. 
Just one sunset can make all the difference

Now trust me, I haven't conquered these ways yet, not even nearly, but I am striving to everyday become a better version of myself. Its the journey, and the admitting of "not quite being there" that leads us on the path of growth. It isn't criticism of others or ones own circumstances that leads you forward but rather a positive change in ones mind that can hep you appreciate every minute in the day we are gifted with. 

I started reading this book "As a man thinketh" recently by James Allen. The book got me thinking about what happens in my brain everyday. We cannot be granted the things we hope for, wish for or pray for if everything else in our mind opposes it. Fear's kill out progress quite literally. Doubts end our hopes in their tracks. Hate, criticism, selfishness all lead us to a path we would rather not be on. 
I encourage all of you to give the book a read. Its only 44 pages and has the ability to change the way you think about a lot of things. 

After the sunset, I started to listen to stories about the New Life Children's Home for Foster children in my town, about some of my members daily challenges at work and in life and all of a sudden felt incredibly emotional so much so that I needed to step away. We all have purpose and there is something that all of us are made to do to help on this earth. The size of that task, in comparison to what we think is a noble calling must drastically change if we want to be effective. Simply starting where we are, not blaming circumstances for our misfortunes, doing what we can do with what we have will start to make the biggest differences in many peoples lives. 

If you think negative and feel you are sabotaging your own success I suggest the following: 

1) Pick up a helpful book to read and commit to your journey to better thinking 
2) Challenge yourself on your way to work to chose 10 things you are thankful for 
3) Listen to somebody, be there as a friend not to offer advise or to reply but simply to listen
4) When you have a bad thought, try spin it on its head and think positively 
5) On your way home from work think of 5 things that were positive in your day
6) Start looking for what is good rather than the bad and everyday your life will slowly change
7) Take time out to watch an inspiring movie or documentary that will encourage you to be more thankful, here is one that I am watching at the moment: Fish People 

An incredibly inspiring documentary to watch on Netflix

Monday, 2 July 2018

Helping the Gorillas in Congo: What you can do

Chance? Iv'e never understood exactly what it meant, perhaps because Im not entirely convinced thats how things go. If we agree it exists, then it was by "chance" that this weekend I stumbled upon an incredible documentary on Netflix called Virunga.  Watch the trailer here

This movie had a huge impact on me

For months I have passed by this title not really sure what I was missing out on. Virunga is a National Park, the oldest in Africa at that, in the Congo. Having myself, travelled to Congo for a medical mission with Operation Smile, the first 5 minutes hooked me immediately.

I could relate with the countries hardships, the m23 Rebels, the exploitation by foreign companies, because I had in fact heard these stories told in person many times. If you haven't watched the movie, I suggest you go check it out, because I don't want to give to much away.

Many Rangers have died trying to protect the Mountain Gorillas

However, its Monday today, and as I sit here sipping on some freshly brewed coffee, the idea of many of our animals on this earth disappearing starts to haunt my thoughts. There must be something we can do? And there is...

I haven't really got involved with animal causes before because I always thought there are professionals who have dedicated their lives to helping specific species, I mean how could I assist them. Only now I have realized I can help by doing what I can in my home town to spread the word.

I am now a father... on Friday I became the proud father of the Mountain Gorilla, Kundurwanda who is now 5 years old. Yes I adopted the little guy! Okay fine, it is only a symbolic adoption, and perhaps I won't spend many years with the Gorilla and share personal memories but to me the idea of directly helping a disappearing species on earth made me so happy, and we all can do it. Here is how:

I am not the proud symbolic father of this little guy

Help save an Endangered Species:

1) Choose a species: you love that is on the endangered species list in the world

2) Commit to contributing financially to these animal annually or bi annually. (This an be a small donation) a thousand small donations makes a huge difference.

3) Think about adoption: You can symbolically adopt an animal. You can then print the certificate and put it up at your office I am sure it all trigger many conversations. Use the picture as a reminder of your small commitment to helping the wild life on this earth.

4) Spread the word: email and share the news and ask your friends and family to make symbolic adoptions. I challenged my girlfriend to adopt and endangered species and she has chosen a beautiful "Sloth" to commit to contributing towards.

The Three Toes Sloth is critically endangered, imagine the world without this beautiful creature

We have the power and influence to do small things to help this earth. The damage we done may be irreversible but the thought of having our kids grow up not knowing what a Gorilla, whale or Rhino is, breaks my heart. On top of that, the coral reefs disappearing is spelling disaster for the whole earth.

We can so easily get pulled into a world where we are so focussed on ourselves and our goals that we forget that there are animals that could use our help. I am one of them. Running a business, training and social life can often draw you into your own selfish little world. Remember, people have people to help each other, and circumstantially depending, themselves. Animals only have us, they cannot defend their territories alone.

Your opinion matters less than the story...

 Today I was running.  It is Sunday, my long run.  The run that builds endurance.  It builds stamina and everything I need to complete my ma...